Friday, April 8, 2011

Why are there no vegans on Food Network?

It is amazing to me that there are no vegetarians or vegans on Food Network.

Not that I watch a ton of television but it ticks me off that there are so many chefs who are teaching Americans to make unhealthy food. Paula Dean, anyone?

Yes, I know there's the Weight Watchers girl and there are a couple of low fat shows (BTW, fat doesn't make you fat - go do some research) but there aren't any shows for the non-carnivore.

It ticks me off. 

There, I said it.

There are a ton of fantastic vegan chefs out there so why is it that not one of them has a cooking show? 

Why is no one out there teaching the public that vegetarians eat more than tofu and salad?

Why is Food Network, by ignoring their vegan and vegetarian viewers, perpetuating the idea that vegetarian food is gross or flavorless or boring or unhealthy or whatever other idiotic fallacy is out there?


Let's all send notes to Food Network. 

Let's flood their e-mail in boxes and demand a vegetarian show!

You can write to them here.

Let me know that you've done it, ok? Promise?

1 comment:

  1. wow, i have this image in my head of you shaking your fist as the tv (or sky- interchange as you like) and it's making me laugh really hard ;) I SECOND ALL OF THIS!!!!


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