Monday, June 20, 2011

Flat Chocolate Chip Crackers

Do you ever have those days where you just NEED a chocolate chip cookie? 

Silly me, of course you do.

I've been on the hunt lately for a vegan chocolate chip cookie recipe lately that actually meets my approval. I've tried several overthe past few weeks to no avail -Skinny Bitch in the Kitch, Babycakes (x2), and a few versions I found online - and they all fall flat. I mean this literally, of course, as they all end up like flat, hard, crunchy chocolate chip crackers. They're all truly horrible!

Back before I went vegan I had a truly marvelous recipe for chocolate chip cookies. They were crunchy on the edges and soft and chewy in the middle without being so soft they were under cooked. They were puffy and didn't spread out and glom onto their neighborswhen you baked them.

I am jonesing for my old cookie recipe in a bad way.

I've been trying to experiment with ways to veganize the old recipe to no avail. 

Please help:  

If you know a really wonderful chocolate cookie recipe (or a recipe for a cookie base that I could use for multiple cookies - that would be fantastic) please share! 

Leave it as a comment or e-mail me at

I'm desperate!

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